Internet wisdom

11 Jan, 2023·
AlexIn Tech
AlexIn Tech
· 4 min read

Internet wisdom

Hello, in this post, I will share some wisdom taken from a YouTube video as well as comments found under that video. The video is at the bottom of the article. It is a video by “Struthless,” where he talks about things he wishes he had known between the ages of 20 and 30. The video is excellent (like all of his content on YouTube), and there are real gems among the comments, so I have compiled them below. Everything is in English.

So without further ado, here are some pieces of popular wisdom from the internet. I present them in “image” format first, then in text format.

Internet wisdom - images

🧠 To keep in mind


Internet wisdom - text

🧠 To keep in mind

  1. Showing up is 80% of the work. Just show up to your relationships, job, workout, whatever you want to have in life, and the rest is actually easy. Just get started.
  2. You don’t have to kill it at work. I’ve worked super hard and been told I was shit, I’ve been lazy and told I was amazing. Find the level of effort that makes you proud of YOURSELF and stop there. Don’t worry about impressing others or being like others… because everyone is too busy with themselves to notice.
  3. Revisit your childhood hobbies. Play is the best therapy. Ride your bike, make a dollhouse, catch bugs, go to the zoo, build a LEGO tower. And also, you DON’T HAVE TO MONETIZE IT OR BE GOOD AT IT. If you enjoy it… THAT’S IT. That’s all you need.
  4. Achieving your goals will leave you empty. It’s natural to work hard when you’re young. You want to succeed… and after school, you need to set ‘targets’ for yourself that replace grades. But once you meet those targets, you’ll wonder what to do next. Maybe you’ll set an even bigger target… smash that… then what? A big change came to me when I realized to not focus on the goal but on doing things each day that I enjoyed and made me proud of myself. People often refer to this as focusing on the journey, not the destination.
  5. Be yourself. Don’t hide who you are. Being open and honest about yourself takes vulnerability… but vulnerability is beautiful! I am so much closer to people in my life because I opened up to them. Unsurprisingly, being vulnerable makes it easier for them to open up to me as well. Examples of vulnerability that shaped my 20s: opening up about my sexuality, asking friends how they developed skills I envied, telling people I love them.
  6. If you focus on what you lack, you lose what you have.
  7. Assume everyone’s got their own struggles and baggage.
  8. Hard choices = easy life, easy choices = hard life (e.g., hard choice: work hard, leading to an easier life; easy choice: doing drugs, leading to a harder life).
  9. You don’t do things for you; you do things for FUTURE you.
  10. YOU can define your own success and what it means to you. Success doesn’t have to be making 100k a year, living in a two-story house by 30. It can be just finding stability or being in a place where you feel you can grow.
  11. Most people are thinking/worrying about their own stuff 90% of the time, so worrying about what others think of you is based on the false assumption that they’re even thinking about you at all.
  12. People’s opinions about others are more a reflection of their own experiences than the actual thing they have an opinion about. If 100 people watch the same movie, they will have different opinions. Some will love it, some will hate it—it doesn’t change the movie. The same applies to people’s opinions of you. You are who you are. Some people will love you, some won’t. Their expectations are shaped by their own beliefs and experiences. When I worry about what others think, I ask myself, “If I were someone else, would I judge me for this?” Usually, the answer is no, which helps me dismiss judgment from others.
  13. You don’t have to monetize everything. I have many interests—painting, illustration, knitting, writing, decluttering, teaching, singing—and when people told me I was good at something, they often implied I should monetize it. But I’ve learned that it’s okay to do things just because they bring joy. Even if you’re really good at something, you don’t have to make money from it. Some things I felt pressured to monetize actually made me happier when I gave them away for free.

I hope this article helps you start 2023 with a positive mindset!

Here is the video:

7 Things I Wish I Knew at 20

AlexIn Tech
SysOps Engineer | IT Teacher
Versatile IT Engineer with a dual specialization in System Engineering and Management, AlexIn Tech teaches IT to CFC apprentice IT specialists at ETML, the Technical School of Lausanne 🇨🇭. Passionate about IT, innovation, and knowledge sharing, he shares his discoveries and learnings here to inspire new generations.