
My Story

Hi, I’m Alexis!

Alexis’ Picture

Self-taught and graduated with a federal diploma in IT & Management, I have an insatiable appetite for learning. Passionate about IT and Management , I share with you through this website various articles on these subjects.

I discovered the world of computers by playing a floppy disk game, “The Hare and the Tortoise”, on my father’s work computer (Windows 95). A few years later, after celebrating 10 winters, I received my first PC running Windows XP!

I soon bought a few copies of “Hacker Magazine” at the nearest newsstand, one of the best investments of my life!

Hacker’s Magazine

Indeed, thanks to these magazines and my interest in Cybersecurity , I’ve learned a lot about the IT world.

I still remember learning about IP addressing and the layers of the OSI model, only half understanding how it worked, but enough to understand how a local network worked, how to connect to a remote machine, or how to change the configuration of our router at the time to let friends play on a private server running on my computer.

In fact, when I set up my first private video-game servers at the age of 11 or 12, that’s when I started to get to grips with the network and databases in greater depth. I can still remember the fun of going into the DB to claim the rights of MJ (game master). Those were the days, the days of P2P and Windows as secure as Emmentaler cheese.

It was still between the ages of 10 and 13 that I discovered Linux through a Debian live CD that came as a gift with one of the copies of Hacker Magazine. Then I started burning my own CDs and discovered Ubuntu and Backtrack (the ancestor of Kali).

Then came the time to become a hero, the advent of MMORPGs ! I spent hundreds of hours in dungeons, with friends, playing PVP or taking down bosses. To name just a few, here are the games that were among my favorites: Guild Wars, Dofus, World of Warcraft. Clearly, it was partly thanks to video games that I learned about computers, and what’s more, it was so much fun that I didn’t even realize it. Maybe I’ll write an article about it :-) .

Dofus 1

Ever since compulsory school, I knew what I wanted to do in the future: become a computer specialist . At first I wanted to do an apprenticeship straight after finishing compulsory school, but my teachers convinced me to go to gymnasium because, in their words, “I had the ability”. So I postponed the start of my apprenticeship by 3 years and successfully obtained my maturité fédérale in 2013 . Incidentally, it was during these gymnasium years that I began to take a more in-depth interest in development . Indeed, through an elective course I was able to get into object-oriented Java and discover web languages (HTML , CSS).

Between 2013 and 2015, I did my CFC apprenticeship in IT (2 years instead of 4 if you have the matu.) at ETML. The training ETML was very comprehensive and the teachers excellent. It was during this CFC that I discovered that in reality I was self-taught and that I had already acquired a good part of the baggage needed to obtain a CFC through my multiple IT projects. So in 2015 I received my CFC after obtaining the highest mark in my final work (a 6 in the TPI).

Since 2015, I’ve been working in IT , but I've also developed a second passion for management , which naturally led me to take evening classes and obtain the Swiss Federal Diploma of Higher Education in IT & Management (2020) . Of course, this passion didn't come about on its own; it was mainly fuelled by reading and my entrepreneurial spirit. So I immersed myself in books on entrepreneurship and management and applied what I learned directly in the workplace whenever possible.

Today, on February 28 2021, I’m launching my blog , which will bring together my two passions, IT and Management . Indeed, with a few years of experience under my belt, I want to share with you what I’ve learned through articles and, why not, training courses in the future.

Thx for reading !
